Macro Strategies

Strategic Theme/Objective


Institutionalization of systematic change management to improve the flexibility power of the organization against changes

·         Risk management

·         Data and processes security management

·         Integration and agility of process (ERP)

·         Promotion and enhancement of creativity and innovation


Creating synergistic through aligning and integrating processes and infrastructures with strategies


Development of human resources in the direction of human and intellectual capital formation

·         Improving staff satisfaction

·         Development of the competency of key personnel

·         Development of knowledge and skills of personnel

·         Improving organizational culture


Effective management of resources to create economic production with a resistance economy approach

·         Maximizing return on equity

·         Increasing asset efficiency

·         Improving costs’ structure

·         Sustainable profitability


Creating competitive advantage and increasing profitability by developing productive capacities and market penetration to create economic, social and environmental stability with NGL ownership

·         Operational income growth

·         High-quality and low-cost production

·         Sustainable and safe production

·         Sustainable feedstock supply

·         Optimal management of supply of goods and materials


Establishing sustainability of production and realization of nominal capacity by supplying feedstock from regional and trans-regional resources and capacity building for storage and transportation of feedstock and products


Agility and supply chain empowerment


Creating value added from the place of product development and homogeneous diversity with the help of improvement and advancement of support and operational technologies

·         Brand development and enhancement

·         Decreasing technology gap

·         Development and diversity of product baskets

·         Management of developmental projects


Maximizing customer experience and promoting proposed values while focusing on developing the mechanisms for managing the relationship with customers

·         Sustainable Quality

·         Timely delivery

·         Competitive price

·         After sales services


Development and influence in target markets to strengthen the competitive position of the organization by identifying and participating in new markets and expanding marketing activities.

·         Development of marketing activities

·         Development of Communication with Customers

·         Production in accordance with market requirements

·         Market development

·         Managing supply and product delivery


Balanced promotion of the organization’s positon as a responsible citizen through consideration of environmental aspects and social responsibilities

·         Developing communication and increasing accountability to stakeholders

·         Adherence to environmental requirements

·         Increasing the level of occupational safety and health of employees

·         Optimal resource and energy management


Promoting organizational governance by enhancing analytic ability and risk identification

·         Strengthening organizational governance mechanisms