akpc|Sustainable Development|Management System|Comprehensive Quality Management

Comprehensive Quality Management in Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company:

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is the international union of national institutes of different countries (ISO member organizations). The preparation of global standards is usually carried out by its technical committees. Each member institution has the right to have representative in the the committee if interested in the subject matter of a technical committee. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations also participate in this activity in cooperation with the International Organization for Standardization.

ISO has close cooperation with the International electro technical Commission (IEC) on all topics of electronics standards.

According to ISO standards, the Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company has been implementing many approaches and improvements regarding the establishment of company's process structure since the year 2005.

The following table shows the evolution of the company's process structure:




Planning the process at three levels of management, main, support in accordance with ISO9001


Planning IMS Integrated Processes, providing process mapping and interactions between processes

2007, 2008

Business Process Improvement (BPI) based on Porter, Rice, Vikland and APQC


Formation of the committee for the developing and revision of regulations and rules, implementation of the strategic planning project and the preparation of the BSC map of the company


Establishment of energy management standard (ISO 50001)


Creating a management dashboard software system for monitoring key and performance indicators


Designing and deployment of BI software

After the establishment of planning committees and the establishment of integrated management systems in 2005, the company's processes were planned at three levels of management, support and main. At the same time with this planning, the development of the company's processes was started based on the ISO 9001 process framework and, in order to create an integrated framework, the management systems OHSAS 18001, ISO / TS 29001 and ISO 14001 were also established. Finally, in 2006, the general model of the company’s processes was finalized based on the integrated IMS management system and the process identification, process map, and interactions between them were provided. Process information includes process agent, process input and output, measurement index, relationship with other processes, etc. are registered in the process identification. After the development and deployment of the processes in the company, to ensure compliance with ongoing standards, third parties were audited and ISO certificates were received which were renewed in the later periods. In addition to the above-mentioned systems, the ISO 50001 (Energy Management System) standard was also implemented and deployed in 2012. With internal audit and internal investigations during the years of 2007 and 2008, and attention to the process of privatization of the company and the need strong presence in the international competition market and the new created requirements in some activities such as sales processes (which were previously outsourced), in order to review the processes of the company, a project called “Improvement of company’s processes (BPI)” was defined and implemented based on Porter, Rice and Vikland models and the modeling of the APQC new process framework and using the COBIT901 standard while focusing on the quality assurance unit. In this project, which was performed for the first time in petrochemical industries, different technique was used to improve the process, including: PHD hierarchical diagram, background diagram for categorizing and modeling processes, work flow diagram for detailed processes and instructions.


Management standards obtained by the company:

·         The quality management system based on ISO 9001: 2015 standard

·         Quality management system based on oil, gas and petrochemical industries standards ISO / TS 29001: 2010

·         Environmental management system based on ISO 14001: 2015

·         Occupational health and safety management system based on OHSAS 18001: 2007

·         Integrated health, safety and environment management system, HSE-MS

·         Energy management system ISO 50001: 2011

·         Risk management system ISO 31000: 2018 (being established)

·         Information security management system ISO / IEC 27001: 2013 (being established)

In addition to the above management standards, Amir Kabir Petrochemical Company has tried to obtain product quality certificates in order to raise the quality of products:

·         Certification from Pira of UK in the field of Food Grade for HDPE and LLPDE products for use in the food industry.

·         PE100 certificate for HDPE.